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How To Determine The Efficacy Of Pay Per Click Programs

Blog / How To Determine The Efficacy Of Pay Per Click Programs

Pay-per-click (PPC) programs are a great way to get your business in front of potential customers. When done right, they can be quite effective at generating leads and sales for your company.

However, it's important to determine if your pay per click reseller program is actually working or not. You need to know if you're getting a positive return on investment from the money being spent on these programs in order for them to continue being effective for your business.

Here are some tried and true ways that you can determine if your pay-per-click campaign is working or not:

Analyze Your Pay Per Click Website Traffic

You need to analyze the quality, quantity and cost of your Pay Per Click website traffic. This will help you determine whether or not these campaigns are profitable for your company.

To begin analyzing this data, set up a spreadsheet that has the following columns: "name" (for each campaign), “Campaigns” (for each advertising campaign), and “Cost” (to keep track of how much money you spent on each campaign), “Clicks” (how many clicks were made on your ads), “CTR” (the click-through rate — % of visitors who click on an ad) and finally "Conversions" (the number of conversions divided by total clicks).

Once you have gathered all this information, sort it by cost/conversion to determine which ads worked best for you. If an ad costs $5 per conversion and converts at 2%, then there is no point in continuing with it!

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Use A Tracking System

To ensure that you’re getting the most out of your pay per click program, it’s important to use a tracking system. This way you can see how many clicks and conversions your program is generating. You should be able to use this data to make adjustments as necessary.

If you don’t have a tracking system in place, a spreadsheet will do just fine if this is the first time you've tried anything like this. You could also try using Google Analytics or Google AdWords. However, these systems may not be ideal for larger businesses because they require more advanced knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and other marketing tactics that drive traffic through paid advertising platforms like PPC ads.

Create Compelling Ad Copy And Graphics

The ad copy is the text that appears in your ads. This includes headlines, bullet points and descriptions. It's important to use compelling ad copy because you want to make sure that people take action after reading what you have to say. The more compelling the ad copy is, the more likely it will be read by more people and result in clicks on your ads.

When creating compelling headlines, focus on writing a short sentence or two that connects with readers' interests or problems they may have. Make sure that all headlines are clear so they can easily be understood by anyone who looks at them regardless of their background knowledge level.

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Target The Right Keywords

Setting up a pay-per-click campaign is only half of the battle. The other half is making sure that you have set up your PPC campaigns in a way that they will be effective and profitable.

To do this, one must first understand how to determine which keywords are most relevant and useful to your business. This can be done by using keyword research tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner or SEMrush’s Keyword Tool.

By using these tools, you will be able to see what people actually search for on Google when they look up topics related to your business or product line. For example, if you were selling shoes online then one might use “buy shoes online” as a keyword but someone else might use “shoe shops near me” instead because it more accurately reflects what sort of product they want based on their location information.

Once you have found some good keywords through these research tools then all that remains is selecting which ones are best suited for each individual ad group within each campaign type.

Rotate Your Ads Periodically

Rotating your ads periodically is also a great way to keep your ad fresh in the eyes of traffic. By rotating and testing new ads, you’re showing potential customers that you are actively interested in them and want them to buy what you’re selling.

Keeping your ads relevant to the page on which they appear is important because it makes sense for users who land on this page from an AdWords campaign, but don't necessarily have any interest in what's being advertised on that particular page. This can be achieved by changing out images and text every now and again.


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View Your Pay Per Click Campaigns

The first thing to check is the conversion rate of your pay-per-click campaigns. You can do this by looking at their campaign statistics in AdWords or Bing Ads and then comparing them to the average conversion rate for similar businesses. If you see that you are getting better results than other similar businesses, then you're on the right track!

Evaluate Your Landing Pages

Next, evaluate the conversion rates of your landing pages. Follow these steps:

  • Go to Google Analytics and select "Conversions > Ecommerce" under Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels (and make sure "All Conversions" is selected)
  • Under "Conversion Rate", select "Conversions / Impressions (Last 30 days)" and set the date range between a couple of weeks ago and today

We hope this article has given you some great insight into how to determine the efficacy of your pay-per-click programs. As with any type of marketing, it’s important to keep an eye on the performance of your ad campaigns.

By tracking the results, making adjustments when necessary and tracking again, you can ensure that your campaign is performing well and generating revenue.

In terms of finding an outstanding PPC agency that administers the best pay per click programs, it would be best to consider PPC Agency London.

That's because our team at PPC Agency London is composed of experienced PPC professionals who are able to help businesses create and manage effective pay-per-click campaigns.

We have a proven track record of helping businesses generate leads and sales through the highest pay per click affiliate programs.

So give us a call today to see how we can help you with your next PPC campaign!

Jason Ferry
Author: Jason Ferry
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