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Take Online Pay Per Click Marketing To The Next Level!

Blog / Take Online Pay Per Click Marketing To The Next Level!

PPC (pay per click) marketing is a great way to reach your target audience and boost sales. PPC ads appear on search engine results pages and sponsored listings, so they get extra exposure compared to other types of online ad formats.

However, creating and knowing how to pay for a pay per click ad online takes more than just picking a few keywords and writing some ad copy—you need to understand how PPC works from start to finish if you want it to succeed. Here are seven tips for starting an effective pay-per-click advertising campaign that will help make sure your budget goes as far as possible:

Identify Your Target Audience

Identifying your target audience is a crucial part of your online pay per click campaign. Your PPC target audience should be defined as a group of people that you are trying to reach with your ads.

It's important to keep in mind that these people usually don't all have the same interests and hobbies, so it's best to focus on defining them by location, age, gender and any other factors that make them unique from each other. Another way to define your target audience would be by interests or hobbies which might include gaming, traveling, and sports.

Define Your Goals

Define your goals before starting a campaign, creating a landing page, writing ad copy, identifying keywords for your ads, and when tracking performance. This can help you make decisions based on what’s working and what isn’t working.

online ad pay per click

Set a Budget

The next step is to set a budget. This should be enough to cover the cost of your ad campaign, and any other expenses related to it, such as buying keywords or using a professional copywriter.

To calculate your budget, divide all costs by the expected number of clicks you’re going to get from your PPC ads.

Here are some tips on how to set a proper budget:

  • Set an amount with which you feel comfortable working under normal circumstances and increase it if needed later on during the course of the campaign once some results come in.
  • If things aren't going well after 3 months or so—perhaps there are few sales even though lots of people visit your site through organic searches—then try increasing the price per click (CPC) slightly higher than where it was before.
  • Keep adjusting until either there's an improvement in performance metrics such as conversion rate or the number of leads generated.

Determine Where to Display Ads

Once you’ve chosen the right PPC platform, it’s time to determine where to display your ads. Here are the best places:

  • Google Adwords
  • Bing Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Twitter Ads

In addition, there are other platforms that may be worth exploring:

  • LinkedIn Ads (for B2B)
  • Pinterest Ads (for B2C)
  • YouTube Video ads for mobile apps and games as well as educational content.
online pay per click

Create a Landing Page

A landing page is the web page that is the final destination for visitors who click on a PPC advertisement. This is where you want to direct them so that they can take action and convert. So, it’s important to create a landing page that is relevant to your ads and offers users value in exchange for their time spent on your site.

In order for your landing pages to be effective, they need to have clear call-to-actions (CTAs) like “Click here” or “Buy now” buttons. It's also good practice to include social proof like customer testimonials or reviews on this page as well as clear value propositions explaining why someone should buy from you instead of another company with similar offerings.

Identify Keywords

Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines to find what they're looking for. They can be single words or multiple words strung together.

Keywords are not always single words, but they can be. For example, if you do a Google search on the word "toaster," your results will likely include pages with that word included in their title tags. When someone searches for the phrase "best toaster," it's likely that there will be more than one page on those results pages that has this exact phrase in its title tag.


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Write Compelling Ad Copy

As you're writing your ad copy, make sure that the keyword appears in most of these places:

  • Ad headline
  • Ad description
  • The main body of the ad (the text area)
  • The URL of the ad
  • The image file name

Track and Optimise Performance

You’ve got to track and optimize your PPC campaign performance if you want it to be successful. It’s the most important part of PPC marketing!

There are many different parts of an online marketing campaign that can be optimized—from landing pages to ad copy and keyword research, all the way down to bid amount and ad group structure.

pay per click online marketing

Creating an effective pay-per-click ad campaign is one of the best ways to market online.

To begin, it's important to know that online ad pay per click is not only the most effective way to get traffic to your website and generate sales, but it's also one of the best ways to market. This is because you can target your audience more precisely than with other forms of advertising. You can also get better results because you're only paying for people who are already interested in what you have to offer—they clicked on an ad after all!

The next step is choosing a platform like AdWords or Bing Ads that allows you to create ads based on keywords. This will let us test different ads and keywords so we know what works best for our products or services. After creating these targeted campaigns using PPC advertising platforms, we'll be able to track our results easily so we know what's working well and where there might be room for improvement.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about the ins and outs of pay per click online marketing. If your business is looking for a way to make more sales, then PPC might be right for you. The key is to do your research first so that you can set up an effective campaign with accurate targeting and relevant keywords.

PPC Agency London can provide your business with the most effective pay-per-click services available.

With our experienced team, we will be able to target your audience more precisely than with other forms of advertising. We can also get better results because we're only paying for people who are already interested in what you have to offer—they clicked on an ad after all!

If you're interested in learning more about how we can help you, contact us today!

Jason Ferry
Author: Jason Ferry
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